Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Honors Field Trip ~ Spring 2015

(From left) Mr. Michael Misstishin, Dr. Shirley Clark, 
honors students, and Dr. Ronald Walker
Four honors students joined Dr. Ronald Walker, Honors Director, and Dr. Shirley Clark, Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering, Science, Engineering and Technology, for our Annual Spring Field trip on April 11.  We started our morning with a behind-the-scene tour conducted by our Penn State Harrisburg alumni, Mr. Michael Misstishin, who graduated with a Environmental Engineering degree in 2014.  As the Pennsylvania Environmental Coordinator at D.G. Yuengling and Sons Inc., Michael showed us how Yuengling's Brewery, America's oldest brewery in Pottsville, PA, participates in environmental conservation from pre-treatment of waste water to conversion of methane gas into renewable energy.  Although the plant was not in operation when we visited, we admired the $50 million facility which produces and distributes beer for thirteen states along the Eastern Seaboard.

Dr. Keith Bildstein (next to Dr. Walker) shows a GPS tagging device 
After refreshing ourselves at a nearby Italian restaurant, we spent our afternoon in the breathtaking Hawk Mountain in Kempton, PA.  Dr. Keith Bildstein, Director of Conservation Science at Acopian Center, explained the significance of raptor research and conservation, not only in Pennsylvania, but across the world. By tagging raptors with solar-powered GPS devices, scientists study their travel patterns and behaviors.  According to Dr. Bildstein's research, turkey vultures from the East Coast, Midwest, and Pacific Northwest migrate to Florida, upper South America, and Central America respectively every season.  We also learned that while raptor tagging enhances the understanding of individual or a family of turkey vultures, the flip side of the tagging process may lead to a permanent separation from their families and fellow vultures at times.

By Rosemary Yee

Dr. Richard Stoller Visited Penn State Harrisburg

Many thanks to Dr. Richard Stoller, Coordinator of Academic Advising and International Programs for the Schreyer Honors College, for explaining the application process of Schreyer to Penn State Harrisburg students on March 31, 2015!

(From left) Dr. Roanld Walker and Dr. Richard Stoller

By Rosemary Yee

Meeting Staff Members of the Schreyer Honors College, Spring 2014

Schreyer scholars at Penn State Harrisburg, accompanied by Dr. Ronald Walker and Dr. Martha Strickland, enjoyed lunch and discussion with Dr. Nichola Gutgold, Associate Dean for  Academic Affairs; Dr. Richard Stoller, Coordinator of Academic Advising and International Programs; and Miss Debra Rodgers, Coordinator of Student Records on April 16, 2014.
With Dr. Gutgold (left)

(From left) With Dr. Stoller, Dr. Walker, and Dr. Strickland

With Miss Rodgers (right)

By Rosemary Yee